Skyrim new spells mod
Skyrim new spells mod

skyrim new spells mod

Removal: Spell "Darkness - Invisibility".Removal: "Fortify - Block", "Fortify - One Handed", "Fortify - Two Handed", "Fortify - Light Armor", "Fortify - Heavy Armor", and "Fortify - Carry Weight" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Strength".Removal: "Fortify - Archery", "Fortify - Stamina", "Fortify - Lockpicking", and "Fortify - Sneak" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Dexterity".Removal: "Fortify - Alchemy", "Fortify - Enchanting", "Fortify - Smithing", and "Fortify - Speech" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Creativity".Removal: "Fortify - Conjuration", "Fortify - Alteration", "Fortify - Destruction", "Fortify - Illusion", and "Fortify - Restoration to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Magic".(These were buggy and caused game crashes) They will be released as a separate mod soon. Removal: Damage Stamina/Magicka Rune spells.Balance: "Channel" spells do initial extra damage if the caster is close to a target.Balance: Rune Repeater spells now cost more magicka.Balance: Concussive Strike spells buffed and rebalanced.Balance: Nerfed Frost archetype spell damage.Balance: Major functionality changes and updates to Frost spells.Balance: Buffed and enhanced Prime Evil and made his summon spell cost more magicka.Bug Fix: Divine Volley and Divine Barrage now function properly and do appropriate damage.Bug Fix: "Divine Healing Blast" is no longer a hostile spell.Bug Fix: Darkness spell archetype experience issues.Improvement: Gate spell effect functionality and descriptions.Improvement: Sound FX for "Divine Healing Blast".Improvement: Teleport spells now spawn to markers inside the associated cities in central locations.

skyrim new spells mod

Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Time - Analysis" spells.Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Lightning - Strike" spells.Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Force - Strike" spells.Improvement: Updated script for interaction with summons.Improvement: Massively improved frost spells with properly functioning movement and weapon speed slowing effects.Improvement: Custom meshes for hand FX for many spell archetypes.Improvement: Increased compatibility with perk mods that impact spells, and summons by adding additional keywords to content added by this mod.Content: Merged Touch/Telekinetic spells to create "Channel" spells.Content: Spells "Divine - Fortify Magic", "Divine - Fortify Creativity", "Divine - Fortify Strength", and "Divine - Fortify Dexterity".Content: Spell "Fire - Blazebolt (Cheat)".Content: Spell "Elemental - Concussive Strike".Content: Spell "Divine - Concussive Strike".

Skyrim new spells mod